My Family


Lets start with me!! I am 24 and a stay at home mom! I love being able to spend time with my girls! I love music and so do my babies, they are always singing or dancing with me. Food network is an addiction of mine, im always watching it. My husband and i are ecpecting our 3rd baby in feb 2012! We are super excited and cant wait to mix in more crazy to our family! I am a very family oriented person, I spend alot of time with my mom and my aunt who are my best friends!

My absolutly wonderful husband! hes 22 until october. 22 with 2 daughters and a baby on the way, Stud! lol He is a fantastic father and both the girls get so excited when he comes home from work on thursdays. he works for the railroad and is gone monday thru thursday, not his thing to be away from his family for days at a time but you cant pass up that kind of job and eventually he can get stationed closer to home! He likes music and cars. racing is the sport he likes to watch and hockey too! He is truly one af a kind, how he puts up with us crazies i will never know! ha
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Tula is my 3 year old. born jan of 08. she is a ball of energy and a bit of a handful. She loves to wear dresses and her princess atire. disney movies are among her favorite things, she loves tangled and gnomeo and juliet! Music is also one of her favorite things! she loves to sing and dance, she can sing along with so many songs its crazy!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Odie is my 1 year old. she is a super happy baby, always smiling and making others smile! she has a completly opposite personality than Tula. Easy going, continualy happy, and laid back! She is my cuddler, she loves to sit on my lap and just chill.
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Baby on the way
Lilypie Maternity tickers