Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cleaning for guests and nap time

So i deep cleaned my carpets today. I have a very good friend coming to stay this weekend and my girls are super messy. I also had to clean my couch. I love my couch but since it is microfiber even water leaves a "stain". With 2 little girls and their sippies and mess my carpets and couch get dirty fast! On that note trying to deep clean my whole house while pregnant totally wiped me out! I cant complain really, I feel great except for the tiredness. I feel pretty normal. which is excellent but being tired and trying to keep up with a 3 year old and 1 year old is hard work. Being alone with them during the week makes it a bit harder but I handle it well and just take naps when they do! It makes me sound like such a dork that I need to nap. lol. I personally think nap time was a concept thought up by a pregnant women with a toddler! Sometime long ago a pregnant lady thought "if i don't get some sleep I'm gonna go crazy" she then decided that putting her toddler to sleep during the day and sleeping for a bit at the same time would help her maintain her sanity!  It works for me, sleep to maintain sanity! I'm just hoping the tiredness goes away in the next couple weeks.

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