Monday, July 25, 2011

My daughter, Hercules!

Today was a perfect day to play in the water. Tula started out by helping me pour out the little plastic pools. We have one for each because Tula likes to slide into hers and Odie like to wade and relax. After they were drained and cleaned we re-filled them and started our pool time. 10 minutes after we got out to play Tula reminded me she needed sun screen, "mom I need scun screem please. I don't want a scun burn" lol. So my girls happily played in their pools on the porch while I played solitaire at the table and watched them splash around. maybe 30 minutes into their water fest Tula had to pee. I handed her a towel and let her into go to the bathroom. not even 30 seconds later i hear the door open with a huge thunk. Thinking that she just swung the door open hard when she went in I thought nothing of it. Until she yelled "mom I broke the door". I got up from the table giggling wondering how she could have possibly broken the door. First you have to know that when we first moved in Robbie broke the bottom hinge on the bathroom door doing something or other and instead of just buying a new one he replaced the bottom hinge with the middle one and left the middle empty. Tula being short compared to our doors can open them herself but stands on her toes and puts her weight into turning the knob. Anyway i get to the bathroom and indeed Tula had broken the door. All 30 lbs of her was apparently too much for the lowly door? When I get a closer look, I see that she has broken the hinge in half..that right in half! Tula looks at me and says shes sorry but seems confused that I am still laughing. I tell her to go potty while I get dads drill but not to touch the door. I have to quick fix since Robbie has my car with him at work because his needs a new clutch. As the only option I really have I take the middle hinge off my bedroom door and put it in the bathroom door. For now it is fixed and both doors are in working order but apparently we are going to have to get new, stronger, hinges this weekend so they can stand up to my Hercules!

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